The main ones
Specialization in the energy sector
Since 2007, LOGIMEX has been working on projects, especially in the segment of power generation: thermoelectric, wind and solar. By turning the focus of its services to this segment, LOGIMEX can, day by day, obtain more experience and knowledge and achieve more refined and IMPROVED results, always adding to new projects the lessons learned from its many cases performed.
Knowing in detail the legal instruments of tax incentives that provide the benefits of reducing the tax burden of investments, specifically those aimed at the electricity sector, at federal, state, municipal, and even regional levels is a primary commitment of our multidisciplinary team. The correct and adequate use of the available tax incentives can make all the difference in the financial and budgetary health of a project. Thus, our professionals closely monitor the issues related to tax costs of projects in the electric power sector and are able to analyze each situation, including whether or not tax incentives are applicable and worthwhile.
We are also attentive to other opportunities for investment relief aimed at the electric power segment, both those that the market provides in terms of technical and operational conditions of integrated logistics, from a tax perspective, but also the ones provided by the customs authorities, such as more favorable concessions of special customs procedures to the segment, among others.
LOGIMEX uses its experience in acting in several projects of importing entire power plants to further qualify its participation in the implementation of its new projects, adding all the technical knowledge of its team to the electric power segment.
Looking at tax exemption from the customs broker's point of view
The customs look that the LOGIMEX Team implements in the projects in which it operates is the result of the study and analysis produced in several legal orientations that the World Customs Organization - WCO establishes. The Brazilian customs authority follows the WCO precepts and applies its guidelines in the import and export processes.
Having a team technically updated and aligned with the premises and legal instruments of the WCO is essential to ensure the implementation of actions consistent with these standards at all times of its operations in the customs clearance processes. Our professionals are constantly recycling their knowledge and dedicate special attention to the WCO guidelines as to trade facilitation and the procedures that must be adopted in the processes of customs clearance of goods.
LOGIMEX plans each project in which it operates from a current, dynamic, and creative customs point of view, avoiding the use of outdated concepts of tax classification and based on the relationship with the customs authorities. LOGIMEX is tirelessly in the vanguard, employing the best practices foreseen by the customs authorities and by the intervening agencies, always aiming to operate under the protection of the current laws.
Expertise in customs engineering
When providing services in cargo import operations of entire plant projects, a differentiated step of LOGIMEX is to deepen, still in the initial phases of the project, the definition of the operational design and customs engineering strategies most appropriate to the project.
Performing a careful analysis of the supply project scope from a customs perspective, in order to form specific modules and plan import stages, with the focus on tax exemption, and perform customs clearance while preserving the applicable tax benefits, is crucial and determining for the project success and for its financial health.
Achievement of high levels of tax exemption for projects of entire plants
Our company, LOGIMEX, is proud to achieve high levels of tax exemption for the import projects of entire plants in which it operates, always seeking the best tax, logistics, operational and customs solutions that optimize costs.
LOGIMEX has, among its main expertise, the tax exemption of imported products and the customs clearance of import projects of entire plants, large plants (more than USD 500 million), with a total tax exemption higher than 99%.
To exonerate the import of a project means to pay the minimum taxes allowed by the state and federal governments. The exoneration team at LOGIMEX develops the best tax plan considering all the existing tax benefits to legally reduce the taxation of an import.
The exoneration activity requires not only knowing the country's and the states' tax legislation but also applying the correct tax classification for each piece of equipment in a project.
LOGIMEX has a team of specialists able to implement tax exemption of complex equipment or entire plants. With a history of success in imports of infrastructure projects. We have a team of customs engineers, who combine technical knowledge of the equipment with the updated norms of customs legislation. This combination of factors allows us to obtain optimal results in tax exemption for machinery and equipment.
Professional Liability Insurance
Logimex has a professional liability insurance policy, contracted and renewed annually, which guarantees its clients financial compensation as a result of any damages and losses caused by errors and/or omissions of its employees, suppliers or partners.
International Transportation Insurance
Integrated logistics activities, from simple import and export operations to complex transfers of industrial plants between countries, are always subject to unexpected situations and operational risks, no matter how competent, careful and cautious we may be. Logimex, fully aware of these possibilities, assigns high priority to establishing and contracting insurance in all operations under its responsibility.
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